2013 Realistic Analysis of Economics II
“Realistic Analysis of Economics II” is the continuation of LFMI organized “Realistic Analysis of Economics I” project held in 2008-2012. Courses which will be renewed from the autumn of 2013 will take a different form and will have a different content prepared by the best lecturers and professionals of the field from all around the world.
We invite senior year students and REA graduates to participate in the project. We promise to deepen and secure your knowledge of the Austrian school of economics, and give the answers about the economic reality that surrounds us.
Registration for the course will be announced in the autumn of 2013.
RAE II plan?
A month long “Realistic Analysis of Economics II” courses consists of one introductory lecture and four main topics (economics, law, investment, and ethics). Each topic analysis will have four lectures (for the analysis of these issues and the presentation of Austrian school’s solution).
RAE II topics?
The course will include a thorough analysis of the basic principles of the Austrian School of Economics (praxeology, individualism, subjectivism, theologism, a priorism, logical consistency), and the effective application of them in the social sciences.
Topics for 2013: epistemology and methodology of Australian school of economics | Pricing as a social process │ Business – source of economic growth │ Financial crisis and financial sector regulation in Europe │ The relations between Ethics and economics │ Moral norms as a fundament of a free community │ Banking, justice and the common good │ True social Responsibility │ Property, law and Economics │ Economic evaluation of the competition law: cartels, monopolies, the dominant position │ Economic sanctions for private property │ Private property vs. public interests. Private ownership: an analysis of the economic outlook│ Introduction of Austrian economy for investors’ │ Overview of a critical investment theories │ Analysis of Social classes and investment tendencies.