More Liberal Voices

What is the goal of this project?
The overall aim of this project is to support the liberal agenda in EU decision-making and to promote the adoption of liberal solutions in key areas of public policy by increasing the participation of liberal organisations and civil society groups in the policy-making process and providing high quality authoritative policy recommendations.
What are the objectives?
- To facilitate and enhance the involvement and impact of liberal-minded think tanks in the EU policy consultation processes;
- To give an organized voice to liberal solutions by providing joint policy responses for EU decision makers;
- To facilitate and strengthen the pooling of expertise and cooperation of liberal minded think tanks in designing and delivering liberal solutions.
What are we doing?
- In cooperation with other think tanks we identify key policy areas that require more liberal voices;
- We respond to EU public consultations in the key areas selected by submitting policy papers;
- We engage in follow-up communication with relevant EU authorities;
- We publicize the most important issues both on the EU and national levels;
- We organise policy briefings for policy makers.
Who do we cooperate with?
To promote liberal agenda in EU-decision making and liberal solutions in key areas of public policy we partner with members of the network. The initiative is generously supported by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom.
What we have already done?
We have responded to the EU public consultations and submitted policy papers on the following issues:
Business regulation
Digital Economy
Economic Policy
The Promotion of Social Inclusion and Shared Values through Formal and Non-Formal Learning (2017);
Employment regulation
Finance and monetary policy
Human-centric health care (2013);
Social policy
Tax and budget
State Aid
All of the aforementioned policy responses are compiled into the annual editions of the More Liberal Voices publication: