The Lithuanian Free Market Institute has completed a study “Evaluation of the Lisbon agenda of the European Union and its impact on Lithuania“ which was contracted by the European Committee under the Government of Lithuania within the framework of the Programme of assessing economic and social impact of Lithuania’s accession into the EU, negotiations with the EU and coordination of Lithuania’s participation in the work of EU institutions. The study was co-financed by the local pre-accession assistance program of Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The study introduces the Lisbon strategy, its main goals and methods of implementation, research methodology; the main parts of the study are devoted to the analysis of the general goals and specific targets of the Lisbon strategy in the areas of economic and social policies, their relevance, coherence and the potential impact on Lithuania are assessed. Further on, the conclusions of the analysis and recommendations are provided.
This work is the first significant input to the debate in Lithuania about topical issues of the EU economic and institutional reforms. The authors of this study hope that this research will provide analytical background for formulating Lithuania’s position and for informing the public about EU integration and its impact on Lithuanian.
The study was disseminated among relevant state institutions and the public at large.