LFMI Ranks as One of the Top Think-Tanks in Central and Eastern Europe and the World

The Lithuanian Free Market Institute (LFMI) has been awarded  the category of “One of the Leading Think-Tanks in the World” and recognized as one of the top think-tanks in Central and Eastern Europe, according to the global “go-to think-tanks” research conducted for the first time to identify the key think-tanks in the world.
The Foreign Policy Research Institute, based in Philadelphia, USA, has completed a two-year research of the activities of 5,080 think-tanks from 169 countries and announced public policy research organisations leading in the world and in specific regions.
According to the authors of the study, this project grew out of the never ending requests from journalists, scholars and government officials to provide a list of the leading think tanks in a particular country or region of the world. The authors have surveyed a significant number of international scholars, public and private individuals and specialists who study think-tanks. In addition, they have also examined  the presence of think-tanks in the media and science literature. These sources of information enabled to develope a list of leading public policy research organisations. Only 228 think-tanks from around the globe were included in this list, and each of them, according to the authors, may be nominated as “one of the most important think-tanks in the world.“
Ten think-tanks from Lithuania were included in the general list, but the Lithuanian Free Market Institute was the only one, which appeared in the category “One of the leading think-tanks in the world.” Lithuanian Free market institute also ranked as one of the best seven think tanks out of more than five hundred in Central and Eastern Europe.
According to Remigijus Šimašius, President of the Lithuanian Free Market Institute, consistent and unremitting work, focus on relevant issues, sound analytical work combined with a clear message to the general public were the central principles that guided the Institute’s endeavours since its inception and have helped to receive this honourable rating.
“For 17 years Lithuanian Free Market Institute has been actively pursuing its mission to consolidate the ideas of individual freedom, responsibility,, free market and limited government. We sincerely rejoice that our work has been rated highly, that our organisation has been placed among the leading global think-tanks and identified as one of the top think-tanks in the region. This is a signal of appreciation since LFMI is a privately funded think-tank, whereas the majority of other think-tanks on this list are government-funded organisations,” – said Mr. Šimašius, expressing deep gratitude to LFMI‘s long-time supporters, partners and team members, journalists and government representatives who heeded LFMI‘s critical comments and proposed solutions.“
Lithuanian Free Market Institute together with partner think-tanks have initiated the Coalition for a Free Europe. Remigijus Šimašius hopes that this evaluation of Lithuanian Free Market Instiute and their partners will help to promote the free market in Europe.
Other think-tanks advocating values and ideas similar to those of LFMI were also ranked among the leading think-tanks in the world: Adam Smith (Great Britain), Centre for a New Europe (Belgium), Instituto Bruno Leoni (Italy), International Policy Network (Great Britain), Timbro (Sweden), Adriatic Institute for Public Policy (Croatia), Free Market Centre (Serbia & Montenegro), Institute for Market Economics (Bulgaria), Liberalni Institut (Czech Republic), American Enterprise Institute (USA), CATO Institute (USA), Fraser Institute (Canada), Heritage Foundation (USA).