The Lithuanian Free Market Institute is happy to invite you to register for the Realistic Analysis of Economics II courses for students, teachers, professionals and others eager to take a critical and unconventional look at social reality.
The Realistic Analysis of Economics entails lectures on unconventional links between social sciences delivered by academics and professional practitioners aimed at broadening horizons by discussing the possibilities of applying economic logic and reasoning in other social contexts: politics, philosophy, history, morality, etc.
This year’s lectures will be delivered on 3 – 5 December, in Vilnius, Lithuania
Registration by email: Marija@freema.org
Price: €15 for students, €70 for everyone else.
December 3 (Language – Lithuanian)
17.45 – 19.15 The Routine of Economy: Mythology and Metaphysics (Dr Liutauras Degėsys)
19.20 – 20.50 How Different Cultures Perceive Economic Reality? (Dr Saulius Matulevičius)
December 4 (Language – Lithuanian)
17.45 – 19.15 Inequality and Progressive Taxes: Which Is the Problem? (Žilvinas Šilėnas)
19.20 – 20.50 Why it Is Illogic for the Green to be Left-Wing? (Dr Guoda Azguridienė)
December 5 (Language – English)
9.00 – 10.15 Cleaned by Capitalism: How Free Markets Clean Our Environments (Dr Donald J Boudreaux)
10.25 – 11.40 A History of the World’s First “Competition Policy”: The U.S. Sherman Antitrust Act (Dr Donald J Boudreaux)
11.40 – 12.40 Break
12.40 – 13.55 Creative Destruction, Living Standards, and the Myth of Middle-Class Stagnation (Dr Donald J Boudreaux)
14.05 – 15.20 Entrepreneurial Discovery and Technology Diffusion (Dr M Kitsing)