I, Citizen to Be

A brief overview of the integrated social education e-book “I, Citizen to be” for 5th-8th graders: The “I, Citizen to be” e-book offers an updated and interdisciplinary approach to social education for 5th-8th graders in Lithuania.
The interactive e-book “I, Citizen to be” reflects this methodology and proposes to integrate economics and entrepreneurship, citizenship and moral education (ethics) through the disciplines of geography, history and others.
This innovative e-book emphasizes the importance of connecting classroom learning to real-world issues and the students’ personal experiences. By linking knowledge to practical situations, the curriculum aims to make learning more relevant and engaging for the students. Recognizing the need for an updated social education curriculum, our goal is to provide high-quality social awareness education using a phenomenon-based approach.The e-book invites students to examine relevant social phenomena (e.g. work, poverty, ecology, exchange, consumption) from personal, community and global perspectives.
Purpose of “I, Citizen to be”
- We strive for civic education to take place through experiences.
- We want to help teachers to promote social and civic engagement and improve youth’s economic literacy.
- We use phenomenon-based learning to create this workbook.
- PLB method empowers students to analyse real-world issues and apply interdisciplinary perspectives while analysing the topic.
Who is this material for?
- For all teachers, especially for those teaching ethics, civics, and economics.
- For all teachers who want to use integrated lessons in terms of social and economic issues.
What materials to expect?
- A methodological and thematical course framework and module structure for an interdisciplinary phenomenon-based learning course on social awareness education for early teenage learners. Download from here.
- 12 integrated lessons analysing real-life situations.
- Tasks are relevant to young people that promote critical thinking.
- Animated videos that will help to analyse social issues and understand their complexity.
- Self-assessment ideas. At the end of each topic, students will be able to answer the questionnaire that will help to understand what needs improving.
Where and how much?
- The interactive e-book is free. Available on emapamokos.lt platform.
You can find “I, Citizen to Be” in Latvian and Polish languages here:
- The review of the e-book of Prof. Alfredas Bumblauskas’ is available here.
- Review of the integrated social education e-book by Donatas Puslys is available here.
- Review of the integrated social education e-book by Gintaras Inta is available here.

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